8 people, 2 setups, and some high maintenance (not the machines)

It sort of feels like going into a laundry room of some nice hotel whenever I walk into my laundry room, but it wasn't always that way. 

[think of a fade the same way Wayne & Garth would bring you into an alternate ending]

There was one washer and one dryer the day we looked at the home. I distinctly remember because of the talk afterward about what a disaster it will be with two machines to clean all the dirtied cloth products from the 8 hopeful future residence. 

"I know don't how we'll do it," SHE said.

"What will we do," SHE said.

"How can we manage, "SHE said.

I saw the space. I can manage to get 2 sets of washer/dryers in that space.
